• 1028A 63rd Street
  • Oakland, CA, 94608
  • United States


Get your ticket here.
First time is $20, then $30 aftward, or bring a first time friend for $20 each.  
Join the Facebook Group for class announcements! Also see the Calendar on this site!

Make sure to RSVP for the classes you want to attend so we can expect you (class descriptions below):

May 1: Learning The Language of Touch (Philippe)
May 15: Attachment Theory: A New Way of Looking at Relationships and Intimacy (Philippe)
May 22: How to Approach & Connect with Anyone (Guest Teacher Beacon Driscoll)
May 29: Ask For What You Want Like a Pro! (Blake)
Jun 12: Navigating Poly Relationships for Beginners/Advanced Players (Philippe & Blake)
Jun 19: Practice Night (join us to practice and learn what you missed from past classes)
Jun 26: Feminine/Masculine Polarity Dynamics (Blake)
Jul 10: The Art of Clearing Relationships Karma  (Philippe)
Jul 17: Practice Night (join us to practice and learn what you missed from past classes)

Join the ESP Lab Facebook Group!

First taste of this work will be $20. After that, attendance will be $30. (SPECIAL FOR REGULARS: BRING A FRIEND AND ONLY PAY $20) For those who wish to come regularly, please ask us about multi-class packages or for the Deep Taste path which includes the classes here. If cost is a challenge, please PM Philippe Lewis

★ ★ ★ What is ESP Lab? ★ ★ ★

Do you ever feel like the experiences that color your existence could be more vivid? That some tastes and emotions and feelings might be just beyond your reach? That there is a degree of embodiment and connection to nature that could be yours if you just took that next step? That there is a way to live life and feel reality that you know exists but haven't seen other than in dreams or perhaps medicine journeys?

Then this group and lab were designed for you.

This will be an on-going class inviting the participants to learn connection through emotional, somatic, and primal intelligence. Each gathering will either be a class (by me or a guest teacher), a practice session (related to a class the previous week), or an exploration (with specific agreements/boundaries). The classes will be open to everyone and there will be also a Deeper Taste of the work (along with an exploration of 7 intelligences) offered to those who are looking for this as an on-going and perhaps even a life-long practice, which will include one-on-one coaching, day-long classes and weekend gatherings. Guest teachers will also be invited to teach on Tuesday night classes (for a taster of their work) as well as for those on the Deep Taste journey. 

Feel free to invite anyone who might be interested in joining us!

★ ★ ★  What are emotional, somatic, and primal intelligence? ★ ★ ★

⭒ Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to connect and engage well with others and the world through feelings and emotions.
⭒ Somatic intelligence can be defined as the ability to connect and engage well with others and the world through our five senses.
⭒ Primal intelligence can be defined as the ability to connect and engage well with others and the world through our instinct and inner animal -- in other words, through the part/layer/aspect of us that lies below our the prefrontal cortex part of the brain.

★ ★ ★ Class Descriptions ★ ★ ★

Also see www.exquisite.love/classes

★ Learning the Language of Touch ★ 

Remember the last time you touched someone who needed healing, and your hands seemingly "knew" where to go and what to do? Or perhaps it was that hug you gave to someone you were attracted to, and instead of completely releasing, your hands remained connected while you talked and stared into each other's eyes. And in those moments you felt -- perhaps fleetingly - that your voice wasn't the only part of you in conversation with this other being. That your heart and soul were communicating as well, through contact...This is what we call the language of touch.

The language of touch is quite different than body language -- or perhaps it is a subset of it. What most people mean by body language is postures and other visual signs that the body gives to other beings. The language of touch, on the other hand, happens only in the realm of touch and contact with others. It is the subtle conversation that the body has with the world around it. What "words" does your body understand and communicate? Are you *aware* of what is being communicated when your body is in contact with its surroundings, and especially living beings? What would it mean to be more conscious and skilled in speaking this language? This is what "The Language of Touch" is about. 

This class will focus on touch as a language that can be learned and understood. In a society that focuses so much on verbal language, people are often confused by or even sometimes completely unaware of the subtle conversation that their bodies are constantly having with the environment around them -- and more specifically, with the people they connect with on the rare occasions that touch occurs.

This class will first focus on our awareness of touch, and then move to exploring the subtle messages carried through touch between people, and eventually move to creating specific intentions and messages with touch. Finally we will have conversations on topics such as relationships, intimacy, sensuality and sexuality, as touch is deeply involved in each of those areas, either as a communication tool or a source of fulfillment.

This is a class for anyone open to exploring touch as way to communicate with other. Please come prepared to experience giving and receiving safe loving touch. This is not a sensuality or sexuality class, though those topics will definitely be discussed. If you are a couple, you will be allowed to do all the exercises together if you wish and feel safer that way!

★ The Art of Clearing Relationships Karma ★

Learn to clear deep issues between you and other human being! This class will teach you a very powerful and successful process to move from experience, to story, to feelings, to apology, to forgiveness, to letting go, so that karma can be cleared between you and anyone you are in conflict with or anyone you do not feel fully self-expressed with, so that you can care for each other better and with more love moving forward. This class does not require the attendance of the person you wish to clear with. It is designed to allow you to do the work you need to feel complete with this person regardless of their ability to meet you. In a way, it is simple and gentle grieving process to support you in your healing and growth. 

★ Navigating Poly Relationships for Beginners/Advanced Players ★

Curious about what open/poly/non-monogamous relationships are all about? Or have you started on your journey with a few lovers but you feel like you might still be missing some key skills? In this day and age of ever multiplying relationship models, this class will teach you a variety of tools and perspectives to support you on your exploration and the discovery of the perfect most graceful and ethical way to have the multiple love relationships that you want. And, we will also explore the many ways having multiple relationships can be an expression of insecurity and inability to commit so you can get clear on the work that must be done inside yourself and/or in your relationship(s) in order to have greater relationship health moving forward.

★ Attachment Theory: A New Way of Looking at Relationships and Intimacy ★

Ever been in relationship and noticed how you or your partner seemed to be following a sort of unspoken emotional “script” or “dance” leading the two down a path where triggers, difficulties, arguments, challenges, insecurities, and limitations seemed to get the best of you? If you’ve been on this planet for long enough, you have noticed that these patterns are more or less repeated for you and your partners. You’ve seen yourself enter these relationships again and again and again, always knowing that something is up but never quite knowing WHY. Enter Attachment Theory, the remarkable view of relationships that seems to pretty much explain EVERYTHING about how people can be secure or insecure in relationship and how regardless of your attachment style you will be in relationship with people who are both. Knowing about attachment theory and recognizing and knowing how to work with people with various attachment styles is one of the single most useful skills you can have in life.

★ How to Approach & Connect with Anyone (Guest Teacher Beacon Driscoll) ★

In this fun and interactive workshop, you will expand your skills in the art of approaching and connecting with everyone. First, we are going to work on starting a conversation. This simple, fool proof method will let you start up conversations in any environment. Next, we are going to learn how to keep the conversation fun and flirty, so you can easily ramp up the sexual tension in a way that feels comfortable for everyone involved. Finally, we are going to learn how to get emotionally intimate, so you can have this initial conversation be both satisfying AND fun. 

All of this will be taught in an interactive format, so instead of just hearing about it you will actually be practicing it. And there is going to be an emphasis on consent and mutual enjoyment of the experience. 

★ Feminine/Masculine Polarity Dynamics ★

Within each of us is there is an ongoing relationship between our own feminine and masculine selves. This duality exists irrespective of sex, gender, identity, or orientation. What we show to others, and evoke from them, gives rise to a phenomenon called polarity. It can be imagined to be similar to the polarity created between a negative and positive electrode in a circuit. This polarity is the source of many kinds of attraction, and a vehicle for connection and bonding. 

Sometimes pairings of people have naturally strong polarity and become couples. Sometimes they "depolarize" over time. However, just about any pair of people can generate some polarity between them, because anyone can occupy either pole at any time, with the right training. Drawing on the teachings of David Deida, this class is designed to help you stretch yourself into new ranges of your feminine and masculine. We will teach you about both components of the Self and how they interact. And, you will partner practice with others who are stretching, so that each of you can show the other how to open further still.

★ Asking For What You Want Like a Pro! ★

Manifesting the reality you want can be complicated and challenging. Powerfully asking asking others to be party to creating your world involves risk, reward, and skill. Often, the choice of words and tone that convey our messages will determine outcomes for us, whether we are conscious of it or not. Sometimes, we simply don't ask for fear of what will happen if we do. 

In this class, we will be exploring the the question side of consent, enrollment, and collaboration. How do we go about asking for what we want, and making our dreams and fantasies come true? What stops you from putting words to your heart's desire? We will practice developing the skills to phrase questions, adapt to feedback, accept rejection without being disheartened, and co-create amazing experiences with others.

★ ★ ★  What are the agreements we play by? ★ ★ ★

Agreements as of 2/27/18 (as they are evolving for now)

1. Presence: I agree to breathe, to feel, to be present and to be authentic.
2. Confidentiality: I agree to maintain confidentiality about people’s individual stories and experiences. I am free to speak about my own experiences in ESP Lab.
3. Integrity: I agree to hold my own integrity, and to treat my word as sacred. This includes punctually attending events that I say I will attend, following through on payments that I agree to, and cleaning up any impact I may have incurred by being out of integrity.
4. Coachability: I agree to be coachable. I will approach ESP Lab with a beginner’s mind, with openness to not knowing, and curiosity for feedback.
5. Needs: I agree to request support, guidance, and help using clear direct requests, when I desire it.
6. Self-responsibility: I agree to take full responsibility for the nature of my experience and my impact on others. I agree to refrain from any type of physical misconduct. I agree to honor my healthy boundaries and respect the boundaries others express. 
7. Sobriety: I agree to attend ESP Lab sober, unless otherwise stated as a purposeful exploration within the container of ESP Lab
8. Clearing: I agree to not complain about others and to speak directly to the person I have an issue with. If someone attempts to complain to me about others, I agree to support them to speak directly to the person concerned.
9. Consent around feedback: I agree to ask people for their consent to give them feedback, advice, touch, or companionship before I give it to them. I agree to wait until another suitable time if that is asked for as well.
10. Exploration: I understand that ESP Lab explore sensuality, sexuality, and other edgy topics. As adults (including facilitators) we agree to be responsible and respectful in our interactions with others. I will use clear direct verbal communications and safer-sex practices when necessary. Genital contact may be invited to occur in some practices: if I am not comfortable with this, I will express my concerns clearly and directly to the facilitators.
11. Invitation: I understand that beyond these agreements, all activities are optional and an invitation.
12. Safety & Consent: I understand that safety is co-created in a community field and I agree to own my safety by speaking up about my needs, feelings, pace, desires, and boundaries, as well as my readiness, willingness, ability (to the best of my knowledge) to engage in activities with others. I also agree to check-in with others about the same and engage in a way that best meets them and myself so that everyone is happy with their engagement. 
13. Transparency & Repair: I understand that effective and graceful relating with others and in community involves transparency (the sharing of what’s present) and repair (the willingness to resolve conflict when it arises). I agree to engage and support both and get the resources I need when necessary to do so.
14. Responsibility to self and others: I understand that if I break these agreements, I may be compromising the value I receive from ESP Lab, the experiences and well-being of others, and the overall health of the community.

★ ★ ★  What/Who is Exquisite Love Coaching? ★ ★ ★

Exquisite Love Coaching is yours truly (Philippe Lewis) open sourcing his bits of clarity and wisdom with the whole wide world. My purpose is to support YOU and your COMMUNITY on the path of exploration of connection, love, intimacy, relationships, sensuality, and sexuality. My deepest wish is that while on that path, you will meet others like you, love them and support them deeply, and create community with them so that everyone is included and no one is left behind.

When we come together, wisdom and support naturally arise, and this is how SHIFT and GROWTH happen! Welcome to the new paradigm of living and relating. Welcome to the path of Exquisite Love.

★ ★ ★  Who is Philippe Lewis? ★ ★ ★

Philippe Lewis is a Love Coach, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Trained Somatica Practitioner, and Epic Event Producer. For the last 18 years, he has been exploring love, relationships, intimacy, sensuality and sexuality with individuals and communities through teaching, writing, coaching and events with the goal of growing men and women into better lovers and better humans. He is a father, a lover, a partner, a husband, a teacher, a producer, a writer, a social artist, a coach, a counselor, and much more. He has a deep appreciation for people and life, and his deepest wish is to leave everyone a little bit better and a little bit more delighted wherever he goes <3

★ ★ ★  Who is Blake Zealear? ★ ★ ★

Blake Zealar is assisting for ESP Lab. Blake is a relationship coach and soon-to-be SFSI certified sex educator. He draws upon training in Radical Honesty, Landmark Education, and the Art of Fearless Intimacy. He works with singles, couples, and more-somes to engineer the kind of life and relationships they want most, and heal the blockages that stop them.